Seducing the Dragon: Part Two is here!!!

new-release-seducing2 Seducing the Dragon: Part Two is here! Advanced reviewers are calling this story arc better than the first. 🙂 One-click and find out what happens next to Bram and Evie!

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6 thoughts on “Seducing the Dragon: Part Two is here!!!”

  1. OMG, this is one GREAT series!! I love all your books but this series is one of my favorite both dragon shifter stories are my favorite. Cannot wait for the next book to come out.

  2. hello, sorry to disturb you again.

    are you still planning release seducing the dragon part 2 in google play ? if yes, it’s okay if only available in google play for short time before back to amazon only. i will buy it.

    But, please specify the date of publication in the google play, along with the others or the middle of the month or the end of the month. So i don’t need to check google play store every day.

    Thank you very much

    1. Hi Ayu,

      I’m still planning to release on Google Play, but since I usually only sell one or two copies, I haven’t had an extra twenty minutes to upload it. I’ll try to have it done by this weekend. It will be there no later than December 1st.

      Thank you!

  3. Yay !! thank you again. I am curious..about this story. Part 1 left me in cliffhanger. and all review about part 2 said this story is great. can’t wait to read it my self 😀

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