About the Author

Jessie Donovan has sold over half a million books, has given away hundreds of thousands more to readers for free, and has even hit the NY Times and USA Today bestseller lists. She is best known for her dragon-shifter series, but also writes about magic users, aliens, and even has a crazy romantic comedy series set in Scotland. When not reading a book, attempting to tame her yard, or traipsing around some foreign country on a shoestring, she can often be found interacting with her readers on Facebook. She lives near Seattle where, yes, it rains a lot but it also makes everything green.
PS–She's often accused of being a man for her steamy scenes, which highly amuses her. Love can be a little dirty, too, and she fully embraces that.
10 Things About Jessie
- She loves to read romance and usually reads about 20-25 books a month. Her favorite subgenres are historical romance and paranormal romance, although sometimes she reads historical nonfiction. Her younger days were spent mostly reading high fantasy, mystery, and science fiction.
- One of her greatest hobbies is traveling. So far she’s been to fourteen countries and four continents, but hopes to keep adding to her list for years to come.
- She has degrees in Japanese (language), Social Anthropology, and Secondary Education. She had wanted to be a high school social studies teacher, but it didn’t work out. (Yes, she’s pretty good at speaking Japanese, although her reading is getting rusty these days.)
- She’s lived in three states in the US (California, West Virginia, Washington State), three countries (USA, Japan, England), and has moved fourteen times (!) in her life. She’s pretty much a pro at packing.
- She currently has four cats, and spends far too much time spoiling them. They’re a needy bunch and never seem to have enough cat trees.
- She likes graphic design and has been designing her own book covers since 2019.
- While she used to hate running, she now loves jogging on her treadmill, doing yoga to relax, and is looking to add a stationary bike to her home gym.
- A lot of plot ideas come to her while either in the shower or on the treadmill. Some of the very best ones come when traveling and sightseeing (like the water maze in The Heir was based on a real one she saw in England.)
- She doesn’t plot out her stories, but writes them as she goes. (This is called being a pantser.) She also doesn’t have multiple drafts. No, Jessie edits as she goes and only has one draft.
- She writes best in her home office, in the morning, and her sweet spot is writing about 2,000 words a day, Monday-Friday. She’s her own boss, and a tough one, but time off really does help her from burning out.